Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dalai Lama "resigns"

As I'm sure people have heard, the Dalai Lama is giving up his position as leader of the Tibetan government.  He has spoken of this for years, but previously his intention was to retire from this position once the Tibetan and Chinese governments reached some sort of peace.

I am personally very concerned about him stepping down at this time.  It doesn't seem like a good time.  It comes at the date of the 52nd Tibetan National Uprising, which, in case people have forgotten, DID NOT END WELL.  According to the Chinese count, 21 Tibetans died.  According to the Tibetan count, it was around 100.  Either way, NOT GOOD.

The Dalai Lama fled the country, three of Lhasa's major monastery's were seriously damaged by shelling.  Thousands of monks were executed.

This is definitely a day not to be forgotten, one that SHOULD be commemorated.....but not this way.  The day that the Dalai Lama fled the country should not be commemorated by him resigning.  Does this seem like a weird pun or something to anyone but me?  "Hahaha, here I go again!"

Do NOT get me wrong, I do not in ANY WAY blame him for fleeing Tibet that year.  It was the only way he could survive.  But resigning the day of the anniversary of the uprising  seems a little bit like a joke.  I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that lol.

I guess maybe he supposes that China may not enter peace talks with Tibet during his life time.  But I doubt that is it.  He doesn't seem the type to give up.

And I don't want anyone to misunderstand.  I am very much in support of Tibet having their own democratic system of voting.  I just wish it hadn't come so suddenly.  The fact that China cracked down and is accusing the Dalai Lama of lying, of using his religion as a "disguise" to split the state, just seems to go further to show that this isn't going to work.

And either way, as Dr Trine Brox of the University of Copenhagen pointed out, many Tibetans will find it hard to transfer their political support after so many years supporting the Dalai Lama.  He is such a huge figure in the lives of all Tibetans, that it is understandable.

I really hope I am wrong. I hope things transfer well, and easy, but it seems like nothing is easy in Tibet.  I will be praying for them, for all the people of Tibet, and those Tibetans in exile, and the people of China, that their eyes and hearts be opened.  I hope all of you will be praying with me.

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