Monday, February 14, 2011

Groupon and the Tibet Group.

I am sure many of you saw the Groupon commercial at the Superbowl.  I did not see it at the time, since I am not a fan of football (men in spandex wrestling over a ball and leaping on top of each other isn't really my thing), but was told about it yesterday.  This morning, I saw the commercial, and read the letter of "apology" written by Groupon CEO Andrew Mason.

First, the commercial.

The commercial begins with beautiful footage of Tibet..the landscape, the people....speaking of their culture, and how it is in danger.  But then, the actor (Timothy Hutton, who is now on my shit list) goes on to say that despite this, the Tibetans still make an amazing fish curry...and that since the people in this commercial used the Groupon website, they are now getting this amazing fish curry for cheap.

....apparently, we are meant to find this amusing.

Many people commented on the video on youtube.  Many of those comments were angry, complaints about how offensive the commercial was, but a lot of people were saying that those who were offended were too uptight, some going far into the boundaries of offensive.  One commenter sais "best commercial ever" and another, who needs a good beatdown, said "I don't care about Tibetans. wtf have they done for me?" (name of quesoesbueno59)
I don't know if he/she was joking or not, but either way, it is a cruel and horrible thing to say.  America really is full of assholes.

Now, on to the letter.

Groupon's CEO, Andrew Mason, wrote a letter of "apology" for the commercial, a day after receiving innumberable complaints.  However, if there is a true apology in there, one would have to search with a fine-tooth comb to find it.
Instead, Mason points out how most Superbowl commercials objectify women, and that the Groupon company supports many charitable though either of these points makes it okay for the Groupon company to crack jokes about situations as serious as that of Chinese-occupied Tibet.

Groupon has made a statement that if you donate money towards the Tibetan Youth Fund, they will match your donation.  But after the airing of the commercials, the Tibetan Youth Fund pulled out.  Unsurprisingly.  However, when I went on Groupon's website today, they still had the Tibetan Youth Fund donation page up.  I called them and spoke to them for several minutes about it.  First they couldn't find the page, then said that yes, they were still working with the Tibetan Group Fund, only quietly, due to the commercials.  Wanting to double check (I wouldn't put it past those bastards to just be taking money for themselves) I called the Tibet Fund.  They told me yes, they had pulled out after the commercials but had noticed the page was still up, and would have to be speaking to Groupon.  So I don't know if the money has been getting through to them or not, or if they are going to be speaking to Groupon just to finalize the breaking of their business.  Either way, as long as it is ended, it is good.  The Tibet Fund deserves much better.

I encourage everyone to go and donate to them.   The gentleman I spoke to assured me that their own site was still up and working, and as everyone knows, they need the donations.


  1. I don't remember seeing that one. I must have left the room before that one came on. But that is unbelievable. How could they possibly make light of such a serious situation?
    I can understand that they're trying to be funny about it, but to me that just comes out as offensive.

  2. I just noticed that you mentioned me in this here blog post. All I can say is:

    You mad?
