Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have, as I'm sure many others have, been watching the news of the current conflict in Egypt.  I have extremely mixed feelings about the subject.  And I'm certain many people will criticize these feelings and find me to be messed up, which is the usual reaction I get when this sort of situation comes up, but it is what always comes to mind whenever something like this does come up.

Since the riots in Egypt began, the death toll has climbed as high as 300 people.  This is terrible.  It is a horrible, unfortunate, ridiculously unnecessary loss.  Here comes the part where people think I'm sick.

Why is this reported on the news but we never hear about all of the deaths in Tibet?  There are enough of them.  The closest we have come in a long time to hearing anything on tv about Tibet was news of the most recent earthquake, and even then, they only mentioned "Chinese" casualties, nothing about Tibet.

Why?  Because unlike China, Egypt is not a superpower.  We do not buy the majority of our supplies from Egypt, or ship our businesses overseas to them.  And it is because of this dependance on China and fear of them and their immense power that the Tibetan people must continue to suffer.

But isn't it enough that they must suffer without the world hiding it?  While it is understandable that a country's government is unwilling to take a stand against another country that holds so much power, other people can still make a statement.  News is supposed to be unbiased.  Television news could still say what their governments cannot.  Or is that being controlled as well?  Or maybe they are just afraid, too.

What news there is can only be found on the internet, and it is thankfully incredibly informative.  For eleven years, I have been relying on the internet for information about Tibet, and the things I have seen and read are sickening.  Since the Chinese invasion in 1950, there have been 1,148,000 Tibetan deaths

People are thrown in jail for minor offenses such as peaceful protest.  A man was jailed once simply for posession of the Tibetan flag.  The undergo severe torture, such as beating with an electric baton, being burned with cigarettes, hung from the ceiling by their wrists and then beaten, raped (sometimes with the electric batons), set on by dogs, and more.  Yet none of this is mentioned on the news.

You can help.  Go to http://www.tibetnetwork.org/ or http://www.freetibet.org/, or http://www.savetibet.org/

Instruments of torture.


The result of an electric baton.

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